The Blind Leading The Blind

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where did it begin?
i’m finding it hard to let you in
it’s too late to win
i don’t even know what state i’m in

so please shut the door
and don’t walk across my kitchen floor
you know what’s in store
nothing is fair in love and war

you’re out on your own
i’m leaving a message on your phone
you’re heart’s not at home
you don’t always reap what you have sown

out of sight
is out of your mind
it’s like the blind
leading the blind

copyright © 2010 freewinder productions


The story behind the song …

Here’s another track from my time in Paris. It’s about a mother who lives in anguish and desolation as her son is fighting his own battle against drug addiction and she doesn’t know how to help him. At what point does it stop being the parents’ responsibility?

We made the sound atmospheric and moody to match the lyrics. It builds from a dark beginning to a tense finish with big drums and a guitar riff straight out of Muse. This is film music for black clouds and rainy days.