Shooting Stars

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look at me
i’m running through the trees
the beauty that i see
the air that i can breathe
look at you
and everything you do
the skies are turning blue
the sun is shining through

i want to tell you
just like before
i wanted you to know the score

because the shooting stars are gonna get you
i said the shooting stars are gonna fly
if you were a movie star i might forget you
it doesn’t matter who you are, you’re gonna shine

doo, doo doo
doo, doo doo
doo, doo doo

look at her
what’s she waiting for?
to stand and wait her turn
and watch the children learn
look at him
living in his dreams
the grass is always green
and everything’s serene

i want to tell you
just like before
i wanted you to know the score
because the shooting stars are gonna get you
i said the shooting stars are gonna fly
if you were a movie star i might forget you
it doesn’t matter who you are, you’re gonna shine

doo, doo doo
doo, doo doo
doo, doo doo

copyright © 2010 freewinder productions


The story behind the song …

Russ and I were messing about with a couple of acoustics one night and this catchy melody jumped out looking for a feel-good message. It reminded me about a dog I adopted called Patch who was a proper little character, a cross between a lurcher and a collie with black and white hair and a big spot over each eye.

I took him down to the seaside in Kent and he went bananas running round and round in great big circles like Forrest Gump. I remember the look on his face, like he could run to the moon and back. A while later a friend of mine took me to a university art show in Liverpool where I met animation genius Roger Llewellyn. He brought the whole thing to life with an astonishing video… check it out.