David Jones

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i can’t explain my eight line dream
your moonage spacecraft love machine
a golden genie dazed in flight
aladdin’s teenage satellite

dance with me you pretty soul
you suffragette of rock and roll
shake my sorrow if i’m young
wild eyed rebel, you’re the one
you’re the only, only one

secret heroes on my mind
sons of stardust brothers cry
supermen and heathen come
scary madmen every one

dance with me you pretty soul
you suffragette of rock and roll
shake my sorrow if i’m young
wild eyed rebel, you’re the one
you’re the only, only one

five, four, three, two, one …

hungry spiders crashing in
fashion baby burns a wing
lady saviour will hang on
weeping for americans

dance with me you pretty soul
you suffragette of rock and roll
shake my sorrow if i’m young
wild eyed rebel, you’re the one
you’re the only, only one

copyright © 2010 freewinder productions


The story behind the song …

I’ve always been a massive Bowie fan, fascinated by his song writing technique. He used to cut out words that caught his eye from books and magazines and arranged them randomly to make lyrics, a technique pioneered by Warhol and Burroughs in the sixties.

So I printed out all the song titles he’s ever done, cut up each word and spread them out on my table at home. Over the next two weeks I picked out all the words that rhymed and built each sentence backwards, only using the words on the table. We gave these lyrics a Space Oddity type tune which Russell knocked up on his acoustic guitar and threw in a lunar countdown with some mandolin. Hey presto! An ode to David Jones, a.k.a. Bowie.