Talk To Me

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she wakes, gets up and goes to work
she’s late, puts on a pretty skirt
she sips her coffee but it’s cold
the news in the paper’s growing old
watching the people come and go
a kid in a pushchair steals the show

talk to me like it really is
you can say what’s on your mind
walk with me to a place like this
we were born before our time

she feels the city heat today
a cat is stretched out in the shade
a telephone’s ringing down the hall
a man in a suit is walking tall
she turns around and smells a rose
the flower shop’s about to close

talk to me like it really is
you can say what’s on your mind
walk with me to a place like this
we were born before our time

some people are talking in the park
breaking the silence of the dark
she puts in the key to her front door
another day just like before

talk to me like it really is
you can say what’s on your mind
walk with me to a place like this
we were born before our time

copyright © 2010 freewinder productions


The story behind the song …

I’ve worked in London quite a bit over the past few years and usually take the bus or the tube to get around when I’m there. Every morning I used to watch all these different people buzzing about and never talking. Each one of them looked like they had a story to tell which got lost in the repetitive humdrum of life.

Russ and I took some chords that Kara had been playing around with and gave them a Led Zeppelin ‘Misty Mountain Hop’ treatment which ended up sounding like Fleetwood Mac. The whole thing was written and recorded in my front room over two days while Kara was staying here, over a few bottles of wine and in front of an open fire.