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days go by like grains of sand
say my name and take my hand
light a flame and say a little prayer for me
break these chains
and maybe you’ll be there for me

here we stand in fields of green
shining from the silver screen
come with me
before the sunset fades away
turn the key
unlock the door to yesterday

california, california, california
california, california, california

california, california, california
california, california, california

copyright © 2010 freewinder productions


The story behind the song …

Here’s another track that has travelled down many production roads before finding its place on the album. We mixed in some U2 guitar sounds with a 4-on-the-floor kick to produce a song that eventually became the title track for the album.

It depicts a tale of chasing Hollywood dreams and is a throwback to the hippy sixties. Our creative friends at produced an animated video featuring Oscar, a fiddler crab who goes looking for stardom. And just in case you were wondering, fiddler crabs have one claw longer than the other which they wave around in a mating ritual dance …